
Text- Hair of Venus, Carrot and Garnish
"Victoria"(collection of ARTIZON MUSEUM), a marble sculpture by Christian Daniel RAUCH, a German artist active 19th century, is engraved with downy hair expressed by the strokes of a file on the polished skin of a goddess. Apparently, the goddess of victory in the world Rauch imagines has unwanted hair, and it is not removed at all. This is a ridiculous realization. But for me, it was the most valuable realization of all. I suddenly thought about what I would do if I were to fantasize about a goddess. My goddess, I'm sure, would have no hair because she is a timeless being, or rather, she can control her amount of hair. After appreciating Rauch's works, the vision of my goddess, which I had only vaguely imagined before, because so real that I could conform whether she had hair or not. I often think back to this realization when I create my works. The artist's selfish imagination can expand the world of a distant audience, even if this imagination is realized by the means of an artist's laughably modest endeaveor. When I try to talk about the "Cast and Rot" series, I get confused about the garnish of a carrot (the word "pedestal" somehow seems inappropriate here). If I were to reveal my selfish imagination here, based on the premise that Rauch and I are different artists, I would say that one day, when the carrots decay into dust, there will probably be a "mass" that cannot be called a work of art, but one that must have been created by a human being, standing there without emitting anything.